Kiss Commander
Kiss Commander is administration tool for HDD Video Recorder Kiss DP-558.
Application is no longer developed or mainained, thanks for your interest. You can get latest version here :
Original description (15. June 2006)
Kiss Commander
- manage files directly on Kiss HDD
- manage processes on Kiss
- display memory usage on Kiss
Kiss Commander can use different types of connection to Kiss. On first start
KC will show setup form and you will have to choose parameters to connect to
** Telnet connection (TKissCommandTelnet)
- Kiss need to have Telnet server active
- Every instance on KissCommander consumes 1800 kb of Kiss memory. And every
command will consume some memory to. This can be reduced to 1200kb if you don't
use memory refresh (enter 0 in Refresh Free Memory info edit on setup form).
- Telnet connection is little bit faster (I need to run more tests to be sure).
** http CGI connection (TKissCommandCGI)
- Kiss need to have Stage2 firmware, and httpd up and running. You will also
have to copy execute.cgi into stage2 CGI dir.(/hdd/stage2/htmlroot/cgi/execute.cgi)
When copied execute command: <I>chmod 777 execute.cgi</I> in stage2 cgi directory.
- KissCommander uses far less Kiss memory, it uses httpd and only commands
runned on Kiss consume additional memory.
Please be aware that current version of KissCommander is in early beta,
and Telnet connection type is more stable then CGI. CGI needs more testing !
stage2 firmware download:
** Don't use KissCommander when Kiss is playing avi files ! Because then there
is not enough memory and your Kiss will crash.
Running Processes:
Do *NOT* kill processes on Kiss unless you are sure what you are doing !
KissCommander depends on some processes on Kiss and if you kill these, KC will
stop working properly.
*PLEASE* be aware that this is test and incomplete version !
**WARNING**: This software is provided 'as-is', without warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be held
liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Antonio Bakula