Windows PsApi GetPerformanceInfo C# Wrapper
I was allways interested in digging into windows internals, in the time I was just working on
Top Process when saw this
question on Stack Overflow.
And after answering that I put togher little class forWindows PsApi function
It's easyer to use than answer on SO, with it you can get information about memory, process count, handles count etc.
Download (c# source file):
Usage sample :
PerfomanceInfoData perfData = PsApiWrapper.GetPerformanceInfo();
Console.Write("Available memory: " + perfData.PhysicalAvailableBytes.ToString());
Console.Write("Total memory: " + perfData.PhysicalTotalBytes.ToString());
Here is the code :
public class PerfomanceInfoData
public Int64 CommitTotalPages;
public Int64 CommitLimitPages;
public Int64 CommitPeakPages;
public Int64 PhysicalTotalBytes;
public Int64 PhysicalAvailableBytes;
public Int64 SystemCacheBytes;
public Int64 KernelTotalBytes;
public Int64 KernelPagedBytes;
public Int64 KernelNonPagedBytes;
public Int64 PageSizeBytes;
public int HandlesCount;
public int ProcessCount;
public int ThreadCount;
public static class PsApiWrapper
[DllImport("psapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool GetPerformanceInfo([Out] out PsApiPerformanceInformation PerformanceInformation, [In] int Size);
public struct PsApiPerformanceInformation
public int Size;
public IntPtr CommitTotal;
public IntPtr CommitLimit;
public IntPtr CommitPeak;
public IntPtr PhysicalTotal;
public IntPtr PhysicalAvailable;
public IntPtr SystemCache;
public IntPtr KernelTotal;
public IntPtr KernelPaged;
public IntPtr KernelNonPaged;
public IntPtr PageSize;
public int HandlesCount;
public int ProcessCount;
public int ThreadCount;
public static PerfomanceInfoData GetPerformanceInfo()
PerfomanceInfoData data = new PerfomanceInfoData();
PsApiPerformanceInformation perfInfo = new PsApiPerformanceInformation();
if (GetPerformanceInfo(out perfInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(perfInfo)))
/// data in pages
data.CommitTotalPages = perfInfo.CommitTotal.ToInt64();
data.CommitLimitPages = perfInfo.CommitLimit.ToInt64();
data.CommitPeakPages = perfInfo.CommitPeak.ToInt64();
/// data in bytes
Int64 pageSize = perfInfo.PageSize.ToInt64();
data.PhysicalTotalBytes = perfInfo.PhysicalTotal.ToInt64() * pageSize;
data.PhysicalAvailableBytes = perfInfo.PhysicalAvailable.ToInt64() * pageSize;
data.SystemCacheBytes = perfInfo.SystemCache.ToInt64() * pageSize;
data.KernelTotalBytes = perfInfo.KernelTotal.ToInt64() * pageSize;
data.KernelPagedBytes = perfInfo.KernelPaged.ToInt64() * pageSize;
data.KernelNonPagedBytes = perfInfo.KernelNonPaged.ToInt64() * pageSize;
data.PageSizeBytes = pageSize;
/// counters
data.HandlesCount = perfInfo.HandlesCount;
data.ProcessCount = perfInfo.ProcessCount;
data.ThreadCount = perfInfo.ThreadCount;
return data;